The company conducted a detailed Technology and Power audit to provide assurance of the reliability of its network. The outcome of the audit was shared with the NCA. Several network performance tests were also undertaken, which showed that the network experience and traffic quickly returned to normal on the very day of the outage once the network had been restored.
Vodafone compensated all of its fixed and mobile customers for the inconvenience caused by the outage at level agreed with the NCA. Full details of customer compensation were published in the media. Whilst welcoming the lifting of the ban, Vodafone Ghana is grateful to its customers for their understanding and loyalty over the years. The company remains committed to providing its customers with the best products and services, and a great network experience. In recent times, Vodafone has invested over US$ 700 million in its network in a commitment to improve network experience, and meet the communication needs of customers. Vodafone will continue this investment in the future to ensure that its customers enjoy the best services.
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