The on going campaign seeks to boost and create awareness on some of the country’s most important business laws such as the company act, intellectual property, mortgage law, insolvency law, trademarks and the law governing intellectual property.
The move is expected to further improve the ease of doing business in the country, enhance efficiency on how businesses are managed and spur growth of the small and medium enterprises, Dr. Eliable Muhawenimana, the Investment Climate facility for Africa project coordinator at Rwanda Development Board said.
The country wide exercise due to end this month has already benefited business chief executives and entrepreneurs across the country and is expected to continue in the districts of Huye, Kigali, Gisagara, Nyarugugu and Nyamagabe and many others across the country by the end of the month.
“The idea is to drive total compliance, giving entrepreneurs skills that will keep their businesses afloat which enhance effective business management systems. We are telling those innovative entrepreneurs to know that it’s important to register their intellectual property,” Tony Omara, the Managing Director, Brand Revolution, a communication and consultancy firm tusked to conduct this campaign across the country told The New Times.
The World Bank doing business report 2014 ranked the country’s business environment second best in Africa and 32nd globally.
The report was based on the ease of doing business and the number of business reforms conducted in the country over the period of twelve months.
Ruth Umurerwa, a retail business operator in Rubavu district said that equipping business operators with basic knowledge on laws that govern their day to day life experience will contribute to general economic transformation across the country. “Its very important, because this is our daily life, therefore understanding how we can take advantage of the laws is an economic gain for every one along the value chain.”
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